"No connection" problem
What to do if the weather doesn't update.
The status "off" or "offline" is displayed.
When installing a new watch face, the displayed message is "no connection."
Below are guidelines on what you can do to fix this problem.
- First of all, check that Wi-Fi is disabled in your watch (open watch settings, Wi-Fi, set to "Always off").
- Reboot your watch and phone.
- Updating weather and location data may not work if your internet connection is through a VPN or proxy.
- We know that for some users, information is updated only if on the smartphone Wi-Fi is turned on, and for others, only if mobile data(3G/4G, etc.) is turned on.
- Thus, check that your smartphone has Wi-Fi is turned off and mobile data(3G/4G, etc.) is turned on and active.
Then press the refresh button on the weather screen on the watch face. - If this does not help, turn off the mobile data (3G/4G, etc.) on your smartphone and turn on the Wi-Fi connection (and wait few minutes).
Then press the refresh button on the weather screen on the watch face.
We hope this information helped you!