Watch Face "Futorum Travel"

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Information watch face with getting address and weather forecast.
- Weather forecast for today and 1-7 days
- Information about the current location on the basis of OpenStreetMap
(street/highway, city, country, zip code, etc.) - 25-hour forecast charts
- 4 top and 10 bottom customizable information screens
- Steps, moved distance, steps to goal, heart rate (not from S-Health *)
- Sunrise, sunset time, moon phase and age, current zodiac sign
- GPS coordinates (Lan/Lon, DMS)
- Hourly vibro signal
- Barometer
- Speedometer
- Multilingual
Available units of measure:
- Distance - km, mile, nautical mile
- Speed - m/s, km/h, mile/h, knots
- Temperature - °C, °F
- Pressure - hPa, mmHg, inchHg
Please note:
- To obtain weather and geocoding you need an active Internet connection and the enabled "Location" option on your device.
- It is enough to get the coordinates once, so that the watch face remembers coordinates and the "Location" can be disabled.
- The accuracy of the geocoding data depends on the accuracy of the location information. But no more precisely 50-100 m from the point where you are.
9 shortcuts to launch applications and functionality, see "SCREEN 2".
Make a "single tap" in the area to:
- Measure heart rate (only for top health screen, N3)
- Open LOCATION screen (see SCREEN 5)
- Open watch Settings
- Open WEATHER screen (see SCREEN 3)
- Update weather and coordinates
- Select 1 of 4 TOP screens (see SCREEN 6)
- Select 1 of 10 BOTTOM screens (see SCREEN 7)
- Open Calendar App
Detailed weather info, see "SCREEN 3":
- Low, high and current temperature
- Cloud cover (0-100%)
- Precipitation type, probability (0-100%) and intensity
- Humidity, 0-100%
- Weather state
- UV-Index, 0-10
- Dew point
- Visibility
- Summary of the day's weather
- Wind speed
- Wind gust
- Wind direction
- Atmospheric pressure
Options menu, see "SCREEN 4":
- Coordinates update interval
- Distance units (km, mile, nautical mile)
- Speed units (m/s, km/h, mile/h, knots)
- Goal of counting steps
- Air temperature units (°C, °F)
- Pressure units (hPa, mmHg, inchHg)
- ON / OFF the hourly vibro signal
- Make "single tap" to Close menu
Detailed location info, see "SCREEN 5":
- Coordinates (Lat/Long, DMS)
- State of the coordinates and update time
- Place where you are, on the basis of OpenStreetMap
(street/highway, city, country, zip code, etc.) - Speed by GPS data, if available
- Altitude by GPS data, if available
- Heading by GPS data, if available
- Make single tap to Close screen
- Make single tap to Update coordinates
4 information screens at the TOP, see "SCREEN 6":
Screen 1 - Current weather:
- Current weather condition (icon)
- Current air temperature
- Low / high air temperature
- Weather summary
Screen 2 - Current weather, extended:
- Current air temperature
- Apparent air temperature
- Wind speed and gusts
- Type of precipitation, probability and intensity
- Humidity
- Dew point
Screen 3 - Health information (NOT FROM S-Health):
- Heart rate
- Steps count
- Moved distance
- Steps to the goal
Screen 4 - Barometer
10 information screens at the BOTTOM, see "SCREEN 7":
- 25-hour air temperature forecast
- 25-hour atmospheric pressure forecast
- 25-hour wind and gust velocity forecast
- 25-hour precipitation forecast
- 25-hour humidity forecast
- 25-hour UV-index forecast
- Sunrise, sunset, day duration, moon phase and age, current zodiac sign
- Place where you are
- Coordinates (Lat/Long, DMS)
- Speed and heading by GPS, status of coordinates and update time
Legal notes:
Weather forecast - Powered by Dark Sky
Geocoding - © OpenStreetMap contributors
* Please note these watch face have their own individual Step count and do not continue from your daily Step count to date as per your other watch faces.
The steps to goal and the moved distance units is different from the S-Health profile, you need to set them in the option menu of this watch face.
The Step count will be synchronized with S-Health on the next day, provided that this watch face is always active and you do not switch to another watch face.
Heart rate also measured individually by this watch face and may not correspond with S-Health data.
You need to manually start measuring the heart rate from the watch face.
✉ Dear users, if you have any questions with our watch faces or applications, please contact us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.
Look at the "Frequently Asked Questions" section, perhaps you will find the answer to your question.
Supported Samsung Watches: Galaxy Watch 3, Galaxy Watch Active 2, Galaxy Watch Active, Galaxy Watch, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Gear S2